Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Explore the Super/Natural With Benedict Cumberbatch

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National Geographic has always found ways to make what seems to be the mundane about nature into something exciting and wonderment. Super/Natural is no exception. So what better way to celebrate the premier of the new Disney+ series than by holding a screening at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles, California?

Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange, Sherlock Holmes), Super/Natural takes a unique look at the secret powers and special abilities of extraordinary animals that roam the Earth. And extraordinary they are indeed! Simple fireflies became a cacophony of synchronous lights in a spectacular mating ritual. Flying squirrels become glow-in-the-dark projectiles as they soar the length of a football field across the forest. Various different woodland creatures become a community warning system as a predator hawk roams for a victim to feed on. Super/Natural reveals the unique and extraordinary ways nature has acquired to survive in its environment.

As expected, this is not your ordinary natural documentary series. Super/Natural utilizes the latest scientific innovations and leading-edge filmmaking technology (such as infrared cameras and cutting-edge VFX) to unveil the “superpowers” of creatures and organisms. Anyone watching the show can obviously see that in the mind-blowing cinematography on screen. So it is no surprise that award-winning James Cameron is the series’ executive producer.

Nat Geo does an impressive job in catching these special abilities in a whimsical and entertaining matter that captivates the audience. The soothing voice of Benedict Cumberbatch as he narrates is just icing on the cake. (Okay, more than icing if we are to be honest.) According to Tom Hugh-Jones, Executive Producer of Super/Natural, the goal was to “show people things that they wouldn’t immediately be able to see or understand and kind of lead them and look into these superpowers.” After watching the first several minutes of the premiere episode, you will wholeheartedly agree that his mission is accomplished.

There is so much to learn about our ecosystem. As the technology of filming and production improves, the more the veil between humans and nature is lifted and we are introduced to a world that is eons old that was once hidden from our eyes. That alone is the “super” part of the “natural” world.

All 6 episodes of Super/Natural are currently streaming on Disney+.


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