Sunday, July 7, 2024

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Disney Releases A New Poster And Photos From ‘The Falcon (Or Captain America) and the Winter Soldier’

Anthony Mackie as Captain America flying in Captain America and the Winter Soldier

The Falcon Captain America and the Winter Soldier may be over, but Disney has offered a few mementos to commemorate the popular series in the form of a new poster and several still photos showcasing Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) as the new Captain America.

The series followed Sam’s emotional and moral struggle with the idea of being a Black man who has essentially inherited the title and shield of Captain America, especially after he learns of the hidden history of the Super Soldier Serum.

Earlier, director Kari Skoland told Entertainment Weekly:

“We wanted Sam to engage in both a public and private conversation of what it means for a Black man to pick up such an iconic historically white symbol.  By starting off with his acknowledgment of how important it is as a symbol, and that it is connected to a bygone era, Sam opens the door to the idea that what defines a hero today is not the same ideal as it was when Steve first picked up the shield.

“It is important that we explore all sides to its future as a symbol, given it represents the American flag and the deep history that comes with something that represents equality and freedom,” the director continued. “It needs to be an ongoing discussion because those very coveted ideas that are the core to the American Dream are actually fragile and need to be protected from those that go down a slippery slope, no matter how well-intentioned, that actually puts freedom and equality in the crosshairs.”

The show acknowledged the fact that some people– in the MCU and in the real world– would not be able to accept a Black Captain America.  But Mackie looks amazing in that costume and the show perfectly mixed his aerial acrobatics as The Falcon with the shield-slinging of Captain America.

Disney has released a new poster of Mackie in his Cap suit, which you can check out below:

Anthony Mackie as Captain America in character poster from Captain America and the Winter Soldier

In addition, Disney has released several still photos showcasing Mackie as Cap:

Anthony Mackie as Captain America
Erin Kellyman as Karli Morgenthau fighting Anthony Mackie as Captain America in The Flacon and the Winter Soldier
Anthony Mackie as Captain America
Anthony Mackie as Captain America
Sebastian Stan as Bucky and Anthony Mackie

Now, fans just have a month and a half to wait for Disney+ to roll out its next Marvel series, Loki.

For now, fans can relive The Falcon (Captain America) and the Winter Soldier and WandaVision which are available in their entirety on Disney+.  And it has been revealed that Mackie’s Cap will carry on in a potential second season and in a new film.

Check back for updates as they arrive!

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