Monday, May 20, 2024

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‘The Mandalorian’ And ‘The Return Of The Jedi’

The Jedi Returns - The Mandalorian
Source – Lucasfilm

Season Two of The Mandalorian ended with the best-kept secret since the Colonel’s recipe of 11 herbs and spices.

Luke Skywalker
Source Lucasfilm

All looked lost for Mando and company, trapped on the bridge of Moff Gideon’s Light Cruiser. A squad of robotic Dark Troopers is literally pounding on the door to get in. Then a single X-Wing arrives and changes everything.  It also caused a huge disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Star Wars Fans scream out, and they didn’t stop until the episode was over.

With the snap-hiss of a jade hued lightsaber, Luke Skywalker returned.  And here, just five years after the fall of the Empire, the Jedi Knight might just be at the height of his powers — as the shattered remains of a platoon of killer droids can attest to.  More amazingly, no one spoiled Luke’s appearance. For a scene that was filmed almost a year ago, that may be a miracle.

Most importantly, Mark Hamill was involved. Instead of completely recasting the role, Lucasfilm used some of that (Industrial Light and) Magic and de-aged the actor’s face and “deep faked” it onto another performer’s (Max Lloyd Jones) body.  The quality of the effect was not quite up to the level of Moff Tarkin or Leia in Rogue One, but that could be forgiven as the series probably was working on a lower budget and with less time. But in doing so, The Mandalorian gave Star Wars fans the Luke Skywalker that we hoped we see in the sequel trilogy.  Here, he is a powerful, confident Jedi.

Chapter 16 - The Rescue
Source Lucasfilm

Young Luke’s arrival at the end of the season may be the highlight of the entire Disney era. That is no slight intended. In one swing, the Mandalorian ties itself to the original trilogy and creates a connective tissue to the future. Luke’s taking responsibility for Grogu’s training not only reverses the relationship he had with Yoda but also prepares him to found a new generation’s Jedi Academy.  The scene gives Luke a moment reminiscent of Vader’s rampage at the end of Rogue One.

Who is that hooded figure - The Mandalorian
Source Lucasfilm

Will this be the last we see of Luke and Grogu?  Considering the popularity of the little green guy, Baby Yoda’s rapid return is almost certain. But who will bring him? The Mandalorian stands alone well and doesn’t need casting stunts or fan service.  But it is nice to have the show connect to the greater Star Wars Universe.  And with seven new shows on the way, it’s good to keep it connected.

The Jedi Depart
Source Lucasfilm

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