Monday, June 3, 2024

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David Tennant And Catherine Tate Return For ‘Doctor Who’ 60th Anniversary

The Doctor (David Tennant) and Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) - Doctor Who (2005)
Source: BBC

The fan-favorite Doctor and his companion will return in 2023 as part of the Doctor Who 60th-anniversary celebration. David Tennant and Catherine Tate starred in the fourth season of the long-running British sci-fi series reboot back in 2008. 

The two last appeared together in 2010’s “The End of Time – Part Two,” the Tenth Doctor’s final story. As he regenerated, he uttered the words, “I don’t want to go.” Truer words were never spoken as the fan-favorite actor remained close to the role, even appearing in the 50th-anniversary special (alongside then-current Doctor, Matt Smith) 12 years after departing the series.


David Tennant first appeared as the Doctor in 2005 after its first season, taking over from Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccelston. Catherine Tate’s Donna Noble first appeared in 2006, in the final moments of the second season finale as the mysterious woman who appears suddenly in the TARDIS. Her story continued in the 2006 Christmas special, “The Runaway Bride.”

Donna and the Doctor - The Runaway Bride - Doctor Who (2005)
Source: BBC

Donna didn’t immediately join the Doctor at the end of that special. But she returned in 2008 and traveled with the Doctor across time and space for the entire fourth season. Her exit from the series was one of the more tragic departures. The Doctor had to wipe her memories of her time with him to save her life. When he left her with her family, he warned them that if she remembered their time together, she would die.

In a statement released by the BBC, returning showrunner Russell T Davies said:

“They’re back! And it looks impossible – first, we announce a new Doctor. And then an old Doctor, along with the wonderful Donna. What on earth is happening?  Maybe this is a missing story? Or a parallel world? Or a dream, or a trick, or a flashback. The only thing I can confirm is that it’s going to be spectacular, as two of our greatest stars reunite for the battle of a lifetime.”

David Tennent and Catherine Tate
Source: BBC

The Doctor-Donna Together Again

While they haven’t been seen together on screen since 2010, this is not the first time the duo reprised these roles. Tennant has often returned to play the Tenth Doctor in audio form for Big Finish Productions, including six stories with Tate. The first time was in 2016. They reunited again for a second trilogy series in 2019.

The duo also famously appeared together in 2011 at the Royal Shakespeare Company of Much Ado About Nothing. Tate played Beatrice to Tennant’s Benedict at the Wyndham Theatre.

New, New, New, New, New, New, New, New, New, New, New, New, New, New, Doctor

It has been an exciting time for Doctor Who fans. First, it was announced at Easter that classic era companions Tegan (Janet Fielding) and Ace (Sophie Aldred) are returning as part of the Doctor Who BBC Centennial special, which will also mark the departure of the current Doctor, Jodie Whittaker. Then, last week, the BBC announced that Sex Education‘s Ncuti Gatwa is the Fourteenth Doctor.

“Sometimes talent walks through the door, and it’s so bright and bold and brilliant, I just stand back in awe and thank my lucky stars,” said Davies on the casting. “Ncuti dazzled us, seized hold of the Doctor, and owned those TARDIS keys in seconds.”

So what do you think about the Doctor and Donna coming back? How do you think it will happen? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below.


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