Thursday, May 16, 2024

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‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ Trailer: “The Age Of Heroes” Has Come Again

Zack Snyder ushered in a new DC Cinematic Universe with Man of Steel in 2013, and then expanded it with Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. That vision was supposed to lead into Justice League when real-world matters called Snyder’s attention where it was needed and he had to walk away. He handed it off to another director, incomplete.

What we got was Joss Whedon’s version of Justice League. One that was stripped down and lightened up from its original form. Fans reacted lukewarm to it. While it made money, it was not the jumpstart to a DC Cinematic Universe Warner Brothers expected. A small number of fans began petitioning the studio to “Release the Snyder Cut,” and their voices grew.

Then, with the launch of HBOMax, it was announced.

Zack Snyder's Justice League Logo
Source: Warner Brothers

Snyder would return to complete his original vision, and fans would get a Zack Snyder’s Justice League film they wanted. Now we get to see a glimpse of what to expect as the hotly anticipated trailer has dropped.

The trailer is not all we are getting! We are getting even more! Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be made up of four 1-hour episodes. And as the trailer shows, there is a lot more than what we saw back in 2017. This is not just a re-edit. Warner Brothers reportedly gave Snyder $70 Million dollars to complete his vision of the story. The additional shooting took place in September, which included many of the film’s main cast including Ben Affleck and Ray Fisher, plus a few additions to the cast.

But the question remains, will all this succeed in making a better story? Will Zack Snyder’s Justice League be worth all the money Warner Brothers has put into it? Will fans be willing to support the multiple versions of the DC Universe coming to theatres, television, and streaming services in 2021 and beyond?

Check out Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBOMax on March 18 and find out.

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