Monday, May 20, 2024

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‘Doctor Who’: It’s “The End Of The Beginning” At Big Finish

Cover slice to Doctor Who End of the Beginning

Doctor Who‘s monthly adventures on Big Finish are coming to an end this spring. But don’t worry, The moment has been prepared for.

Big Finish announced plans to revamp the way they release their original, full-cast Doctor Who audios in 2021.  For over 20 years, Big Finish has released a new Doctor Who full-length audio play each month. The audios began with 1999’s Sirens of Time, starring Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy and will end with March’s 275th release, The End of the Beginning.

Cover to Doctor Who End of theBeginning
Source Big Finish

Here is the summary from Big Finish:

The Universe is in a state of crisis, facing destruction from the results of a strange spatio-temporal event. And the Doctor is involved in three different incarnations – each caught up in a deadly adventure, scattered across time and space. The whole of creation is threatened – and someone is hunting the Doctor.

The three incarnations of the Doctor must join together to confront their implacable pursuer – but in doing so will they unleash a still greater threat?

So if the monthly adventures have been running for so long, why the change? Well, the Fourth Doctor has had his own range of releases, not part of the monthly schedule. The 8th Doctor transitioned out of the main range to his own, some of his stories originally broadcast on BBC7 radio.  The 10th Doctor, David Tennant, joined the Big Finish family in 2016. He spearheaded the company’s line of New Series stories. Now Christopher Eccelston will be joining him in 2021.  Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi have not yet agreed to reprise their roles.

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Source Big Finish Production

Big Finish chairman and executive producer Jason Haigh-Ellery explained, “One comment we hear more often from new listeners is that they find it hard to know where to begin with our back catalogue of adventures. This change to our release schedule will make it easier for people to start. With a range for each Doctor, there will be a natural ‘stepping on point’ for fans.”


With that said, what is next for the Doctor at Big Finish? “There are so many exciting new directions ahead,” declared senior producer David Richardson. “Where did the First Doctor and Dodo go next after leaving the planet of The Savages? What happened to the Second Doctor after The War Games? What new adventures await the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith? What happened on the Seventh Doctor’s Last Day? The adventures are only just beginning…”

Creative director and executive producer Nicholas Briggs added:

“As well as making our ranges much less confusing for Big Finish beginners, these changes will allow us more exciting new possibilities and creative freedom. By freeing the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors from the constrictions of the Monthly Adventures schedule, and giving them their own distinct ranges, we will be able to introduce more surprising cast combinations, different story lengths, and more story arcs.”

Big Finish can be purchased online as downloads, or as CDs here.   They are also available from US retailers  WhoNA and Mike’s Comics, among others.

The End of the Beginning is available for pre-order and goes on sale in March 2021.

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